Friday, February 22, 2019

Crafteezee Prize

I was a PROUD winner at Crafteezee, looks like hours of enjoyment here :)

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Premier Post, Here we go..........

Here's my FIRST ever post, as the usual comments go..... I now don't know what to write :( 

February 2019 
I've recently been graced with the honour of allowing myself early retirement, Oh the joys, I feel very privileged, this is probably an overdramatic statement to say I felt burned out at work, but something close to that is probably near the truth. 

I want to use this Blog to post my ART,  so I can spend hours sat here in my converted spare bedroom that has materialised into a craft room, it's my Oasis, as it's the smallest room it's the warmest during the winter, and as an Estate Agent would say "avails me of views onwards to my local park, tree's and the rooftops of other homes on a quiet estate. 

So the name Loveulott you ask? I rescued a woof some eight years ago, she is my second rescue as I swore blind I wouldn't get another after my first hound departed this earth, breaking my heart, then personal circumstances changed for me and I quite relished the idea of once more allowing the life-changing decision that a dog can bring. So Lottie walked into my life, a cliche to say this, but I believe we found each other, my only requirement (well thinking about it, I had a few) was that she was shorter than my original dog, he could scale my fence if the mood took him, and that my new four-legged friend would be calm and not excitable as she was going to assist me in caring for a guy with dementia. Here's the little lady........

Lottie :) x

Right back to the arty side of this Blog, which is my main reason for publishing in the first place. I did have an Etsy site by the same name as well, but poor sales and the cost of listing mean I've retired that for now. 

Tried my hand at Paper beads